Have you ever been in a situation that you are ready to take your order in a restaurant but you cannot find the waiter or waitress anywhere? Wireless waiter alert systems are wireless solutions to call waiters with the press of a button. Firstly, every dining table has a remote call button mounted on it. On press of the call button, the respective number displays on the receiver console.
In simplicity, our wireless waiter alert system consists of two parts. Call Buttons for guests, and notification receiving equipment operated by the staff. The simplistic setup allows for anyone to understand and use the products, regardless of age or prior knowledge of the products. Press a button and receive service.
We also have chef waiter alert systems. The chef can alert a waiter via a transmitter that the food order for a particular table is ready. . The waiter receives the alert on their personal pager either through vibration, flash or beep tone. This eliminates raised voices from the kitchen sustaining a peaceful eating environment.